First off, if you know, you know. Strawberry legs refer to a those dark little dots/hair follicles all over your legs. They can be easily irritated and even get inflamed after shaving and/or waxing, causing them to become red and more noticeable.
In recent years I’ve discovered how much more noticeable mine are, and they became such a pressing issue for me that I began to only wear leggings and jeans. I knew I couldn’t live my life like this all summer, SO, I did the research. I mean, a looooot of research. And I’m going to share with you a routine that gave me noticeable results after only a couple weeks!
Disclaimer: I know this isn’t a one size fits all situation, but based on my own experience and a lot of what I’ve read up on, this seems to work and does not involve making homemade potions or messy/painful/expensive hair removal methods (I.e., waxing, epilating, sugaring, laser).
…and then exfoliate some more! You should exfoliate your legs every time you shower if you want to improve the appearance of your strawberry legs. This is also key to creating a fresh base to apply your products onto. Those little strawberry dots are often filled with dirt, oil, sebum, and dead skin cells. Exfoliating alone will allow you to get a much smoother/closer shave and help avoid razor burn. I use the OGX Coconut Coffee scrub and a loofa. I scrub pretty hard and only in a back and fourth direction going with and against the hair grain. Going in circular motions can confuse the hair follicle and make it more irritated I have found.
Always always use a good and fresh razor (I use a Venus 5 blade razor). I store mine outside of the shower and I’m sure to wipe it dry and wipe with alcohol to keep it clean and sharp. When I shave I use a thin layer of cheap hair conditioner and just shave normally against the grain. I find it helps to avoid shaving (while continuing exfoliating) when you can. Although, I still usually shave every other time I shower, because I’m a hairy beast.
I swear by the after shave product called Tend Skin. It’s fairly inexpensive and can be found at most drugstores. It’s purpose is to remove razor bumps, and boy does it work fast. I apply it to my whole leg with a cotton pad and then let it air dry. It has an alcohol smell to it but I seriously believe this product has been key to preventing irritation and even aids in deep cleaning the hair follicles (my own thought, not a fact).
After applying the Tend Skin, I go in with holy grail product number 2: CeraVe SA Body Lotion for Rough, Bumpy Skin. I bought a value size on Amazon and it has been amazing. It contains salicylic acid and others which chemically exfoliate the skin while also moisturizing.
I have done this routine for 2 weeks now and have seen honestly dramatic results. Let me know if you guys try it! Good luck!